George Lakoff, (whom I have met and chatted with all too briefly), is very well-known and respected for his work with "conceptual metaphors,"
the specific understanding of a complex idea in the terms of another less complex idea.
One such is the conceptual metaphor of The Strict Father Figure which is used to prefigure or frame virtually every patriarchal notion in western civilization (and others).
An explanation of the behavior of "Anthony DeNozzo" in a multitude of seasons of the very popular "NCIS" television series might be achieved, on the other hand, with the frame of The Absentee Father Figure." To jump the gun, slightly, the facts of "Anthony DeNozzo, Senior's" lack of loving contact with his son is the frame through which we see "Special NCIS Agent Anthony DeNozzo, Junior," searching and searching for love well into his thirties.
Here in "Framing 101" is an introduction to conceptual framing by Dr. Lakoff. Enjoy it now!Do it in ten minute sessions, perhaps.
Lakoff's essay clears up a huge number of things that have been vague. In time it explains MAGA Fascism and Christian Nationalism and literally every "crazy" idea those people have. It explains why they are impervious to facts.
Facts fit frames or bounce off, not the other way around.
Later this week, read it again to the first time you see the word Enlightenment and the word myths right next to it. Notice how framed you are — the good student — in Enlightenment values. When was that era? The 18th century! World population has doubled three times since then. Think about a world that had not yet invented toilet paper and did not know what lightning or electricity are. George Lakoff does a really, really good job of talking about political framing, but framing and the ubiquity of habitus clearly can be applied to help explain many more aspects of human life.